Archive for the ‘health’ Category

Dr. Nina Shapiro, the Director of Pediatric Otolaryngology and Associate Professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, is the author of Take a Deep Breath: Clear The Air For The Health Of Your Child . She lends her expert addice in the december issue of Staten Island Parent. Take a look at pages 66/67 and find out if your child is breathing right.

Dr. Fran Walfish, a leading child and family therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, CA., lends her expert advice to the story “When Spouses Clash Over Christmas” on She is the author of The Self-Aware Parent: Resolving Conflict and Building a Better Bond with Your Child.

Fitness expert Mari Winsor lovingly known as the “Queen of Pilates,” announces the launch of, an online fitness program that allows members to workout anytime, anywhere just by logging onto At the low cost of $15 per month, WFC members have access to at-home instruction with Mari and her team of expert Pilates trainers. For more details about the launch click here.

Read what Pilates Expert Mari Winsor has to say about working your core (the Powerhouse) as part of your fitness routine in an interview with the Edmington Sun.

Go pick up a copy of September’s Organic Spa Magazine and turn to page 48 for Green Living and Holistic Lifestyle expert Randi Ragan’s 5 Fit Ways To Lean Green. Or just click here.
Green Living and Holistic Lifestyle Expert Randi Ragan Featured in September’s Whole Living Magazine

Pick up a copy of September’s Whole Living and turn to page 38 for some great DIY beauty tips from Green Living and Holistic Lifestyle expert Randi Ragan ( Whole Living features her honeydew melon facial scrub filled with vitamin C – a vital antioxidant for skin-tissue repair.