Archive for the ‘web’ Category

Dr. Fran Walfish, a leading child and family therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, CA., lends her expert advice to the story “When Spouses Clash Over Christmas” on She is the author of The Self-Aware Parent: Resolving Conflict and Building a Better Bond with Your Child.

My client, Betsy Brown Braun is a frequent contributor to The Huffington Post Parenting pages. Most recently, she blogged about “Holiday Envy.” Discover Betsy’s take on Jews longing for a Christmas Tree and Christians wishing they had 8 days of presents. Betsy is the bestselling author of Just Tell Me What To Say and You’re Not The Boss Of Me.

My client, parent educator Betsy Brown Braun, and the author of two bestselling books, Just Tell Me What To Say and You’re Not The Boss Of Me, is often asked to weigh in on teaching children the about the spirit of giving around Thanksgiving and the holidays. This year she shares her thoughts in the parenting section of the Huffinton Post. Have a read — because believes the spirit of giving is not just seasonal.

My client, parenting expert Betsy Brown Braun is the bestselling author of Just Tell Me What To Say and You’re Not The Boss Of Me. She recently blogged for In her piece “Be the Person You Want Your Child To Be,” she reminds us that our children do what we do not what we say. To read more click here.

In her recent blog in the Huffington Post parenting section about Competitive Child Raising, child development expert Betsy Brown Braun calls parents misguided in their notion that children tween-age and even younger are supposed to know their calling.

Wondering whether or not converting to Judaism is right for you? Dr. Fran Walfish has guided couples though this process as a family and relationship psychologist. Read her insights in todays Huffingtom Post piece Jewish Conversion and Relationships: He’s Just Not That Into Your Group.
Surviving the Pre-School Waitlist – Betsy Brown BRaun shares her advice with

Applying to preschool? What do you do when your child is on a waitlist? Betsy Brown Braun has answers here.

Dr. Fran Walfish shares her expert advice on how to help your kids make friends with iVillage.

Wondering how to handle the conversation when your kids bring up same sex marriage?Betsy Brown Brown has the answers on