Dr. Fran Walfish, Psychotherapist to Expert Comment on Governor Jerry Brown Signing Senate Bill 1172

Dr. Fran Walfish, a child, adolescent, and family psychotherapist is available to expert comment on Governor Jerry Brown signing Senate Bill 1172, which prohibits children under age 18 from undergoing “sexual orientation change efforts.” This makes California the first state in the nation to ban therapy that tries to turn gay teens straight.
These relics of prejudice and abuse are not only inflicting harm on young lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Californians they are also operating in an archaic world. “The DSM IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition does not categorize homosexuality as a mental disorder, as in previous editions,” says Dr. Walfish, Psychology Expert for EQUALLY FAMILY. “Not only is it criminal for any professional to cause damage and unnecessary pain to any patient but now it will be illegal”, Dr. Walfish states.
Dr. Walfish adds, “Human sexuality begins to evolve at age 2 years. It percolates through the early childhood years. By age 7, sexual identity has emerged but has not yet firmly gelled. By adolescence, kids generally know who they are sexually. In some cases, the teen is conflicted and either unsure or not accepting of themselves. I have treated many such kids and teens. They need a compassionate, non-judgmental, professional who can help them walk the maze to clarity, self-awareness, and self-acceptance.”