Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

If you missed the July issue of Parents click here and find out what Dr. Walfish has to say about when it is appropriate for little girls to cover without shirts and when it is time to cover up
How to Talk to Your Kids About 911 Betsy Brown Braun Shares Her Insight With The Intelligencer

Families May Approach the September 11th Anniversary Differently – Read what Betsy Brown Braun has to say to the Intelligencer
Surviving the Pre-School Waitlist – Betsy Brown BRaun shares her advice with

Applying to preschool? What do you do when your child is on a waitlist? Betsy Brown Braun has answers here.

Dr. Fran Walfish shares her expert advice on how to help your kids make friends with iVillage.

Wondering how to handle the conversation when your kids bring up same sex marriage?Betsy Brown Brown has the answers on

Pick up a copy of the September issue of Real Simple Family and turn to page 56 ‘innies vs. outies” — A guide to understanding and embracing your little introvert or extravert and read what parenting expert Betsy Brown Braun ( has to say .

Go to the stands and pick up a copy of September’s issue of Good Housekeeping. Or read Betsy’s advice right here.