Posts Tagged ‘preschools’

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My client, parenting expert, Betsy Brown Braun, recently appeared on MyFoxLA to talk about the preschool application process.

Here’s some of her tips:

1.  Consider the location – Traveling too far, too long in the car, is not good for the child, for the parent, or for the environment.

2.  Consider the philosophy of the school – Every school has a different philosophy the educational philosophy and approach to child development. You need to agree with it.

3.  Consider the director – Are you comfortable with that person? They hire the teachers who disseminate the educational philosophy – this is the person who will help and support you through all the trials you will experience in raising a young child.

4.  Consider the culture of the school – This doesn’t refer to the ethnic culture. It is who the families are and if you feel aligned with them, if you speak the same language (they will be your friends forever.)

You can find Betsy’s books – Just Tell Me What To Say and You’re Not The Boss of Me on Amazon.