Posts Tagged ‘psychology’

A neighbor frequently asks for help with her elementary-age daughter: rides, baby-sitting, meals. But she never reciprocates. Do you say no, knowing the child is the one who will suffer?
My client, Dr. Fran Walfish says, “You should continue to be generous and help this defenseless child. Someone else might say that saying no is creating reasonable boundaries, but it all depends on your point of view.
“I treat many adults who were raised alone,” Walfish says. “They always talk of one special person who saved them psychologically. Perhaps it was a grandmother, uncle, schoolteacher, the parent of a classmate. As a neighbor to this limited mother and her elementary-age daughter, you have the privileged opportunity to be that special person and rescue this child from a world of isolation.”
You can read the full article here.
Dr. Walfish is the author of The Self-Aware Parent: Resolving Conflict and Buiilding a Better Bond with Your Child.

Karen L. Schiltz, Ph.D., author of Beyond The Label: A Guide to Unlocking a Child’s Educational Potential, is a psychologist in private practice, specializing in the clinical and forensic neuropsychological assessment of children, adolescents, and young adults.
Read her most blog in Psychology Today where she details how neuropsychological assessment/comprehensive evaluation is critical in order for you to understand the big picture of your child’s needs.

My client, Dr. Fran Walfish, leading Beverly Hills child and family psychotherapist and author of The Self-Aware Parent is often asked to lend her expertise on a variety of issues pertaining to child development, parenting, family dynamics, couples therapy, marriage counseling, and more. This month in Shape magazine, her expertise was used in an article entitled 5 Health Reasons to Make Time For Cuddling. Dr. Walfish gives reason Number 4.
Reason 4: It Bonds Women with Babies and Partners
According to Dr. Fran Walfish, celebrity doctor and author, cuddling is healthy for people because of the obvious factor of emotional attachment. “Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that is closely linked to childbirth and breastfeeding, and a recent study shows that it has a biological role in bonding between mother and baby,” she says. “The study, led by Lane Strathearn, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine, shows that women raised with insecure attachment themselves are more likely to have difficulty forming secure attachments with their children (and partners).”
It’s healthy to want to be close. “Too little or too much is not good. Observe and explore your own personal comfort zone. You will be a better communicator with your partner on how much feels good and when it gets too close for comfort,” Walfish says. “Your goal is to find a balance between your comfort zone and needs along with your partner’s.